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BIG TITS ZOMBIE in 3D!!! - Takao Nakano (2010)


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If only all press releases were as ridiculously fun as this one ...


Dear My Friends,


Are you already bored with the movies about girls in school uniforms swinging their weapons around? What? Ninja? Geisha girls? No, no, that's all way too old fashioned. But the waiting is over as we present an incredibly Japanese style of movie. And look, if you're bored with watching recent mass?produced erotica and those grotesque movies, we are offering a new challenge, something awesome! Yes, 3D!


Our new movie is about pretty girls with big tits and zombies and it's in 3D! It will be absolutely the best movie you have ever seen. No mistake. It's a violent, action movie full of taboos. It's up to you to watch it or not. Are you ready?


You'll be convulsed with laughter at this previously unthinkable storyline brought to you by TMC&CONCEPT FILM CO, LTD. It's based on the notorious comic book "Big Tits Dragon" which was banned from most stores. They said it would be impossible to put that story on the big screen but we did! And, as a special treat, our new movie "Big Tits Zombie" is in 3D (anaglyph method)! Yes, exactly as you imagine, big tits will pop up right in front of your face! Meanwhile, the hideous zombies will close in on and fight against the scantily?dressed girls.





Deadly DD?Cups!!!

A bloody Armageddon has begun!


Rena Jodo (Sola Aoi) is a stripper who just got back from Mexico and she has been offered a gig at a hot spring resort. When she arrives, she finds a deserted country town. There's hardly anyone in the audience at the strip club and all the other strippers, including Ginko (Risa Kasumi), Maria (Mari Sakurai), Nene (Tamayo) and Dana (Io Aikawa) are all bored stiff. They don't know what to do with their time and they are on the verge of fighting each other.


When they decide to go down to the basement of the club to kill time, Maria finds a "Book of the Dead" near "the Well of the Spirit." But who could have imagined the horror and panic that find would bring? Maria's reading of the book out loud has somehow revived the dead and zombies start appearing all over the world attacking mankind. It's Hell in the real world!


Dana and Nene are bitten by the zombies and they turn into living dead who attack Rena and Ginko. The poor big?bosomed babes have no choice but to fight against Maria who now rules the zombies and tries to establish a kingdom of zombies. Rena and Ginko have to challenge Maria and the hordes of zombies! And how does the Blue Demon Devil (Minoru Torihada) fit in?


Takao Nakano (Spiral Zone) directs with Sola Aoi (aka Sora Aoi) - that's her in the photo, it's HARD to find clothed pictures of this woman - starring. This is quite possibly the greatest single press release I have ever read. As further proof, here is how it describes Aoi:


Charming Sola Aoi who has a splendid figure (bust: 35 inches/ waist: 23 inches/ Hip: 33 inches) is the star of the film. Sola has a baby face and a dynamite body. Her unbalanced attractions made her a big star in the world of adult videos and recently she started appearing in films and TV dramas. She is not only popular in Japan but also in other Asian countries, especially Taiwan, where she is nicknamed "Baby Face Big Tits." Sola has been welcomed passionately every time she has visited Asian countries. In fact, so many fans and mass media rushed to the airport to see her that her arrival itself became headline news.

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Nakano + Sora Aoi


je défaille


on va avoir des plans culottes vulgaires, du cat fight, des gros seins, des jeux de mots foireux, un humour douteux, des bas résilles, une réalisation moribonde, peut etre meme un plan intra vagin !!!! Si en plus il place son robot géant, ca va juste etre le plus grand film de tous les temps.


Nakano is god. Point barre.

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je veux pas jouer le rabat-joie mais ça risque quand même d'être nul...et sans doute moins tendancieux que ce que l'on pourrait espérer


y'a overdose dans le genre en ce moment...et pas grand chose de potable hélas


PS : pour la 3D je pense en effet que c'est un canular, genre parodie du tout 3D qu'on nous sert jusqu'au dégout dans n'importe quel film maintenant...(de toute façon les seins de Sora Aoi sont déjà naturellement en relief !)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Bon bah ca y est!

pendant que certain se la pete a Cannes, je me suis precipité à l'avant premiere tokyoite de


BIG TITS DRAGONS (nouveau titre international)!!!!!


Dans une salle de 100 personnes, bourrée à 80% de geek avec des appareils photos enormesssss (et aussi quelques pures filles ultra canons ), j'ai donc vu la chose.


Bon, soyons clair, cest du pur V-cinema, fauché et con, mais bien assumé avec beaucoup de tendresse pour ses persos (ca change de Tokyo gore police), tres court (1h10), et plutot familial pour du Nakano.

a part 20 secondes de nichons (dont ceux de Sora AOOOIIIII et ceux de Risa Kasumi ; toutes 2 presentes dans la salle ), et un vagin monstre qui crache des flammes, cest gentiment gore, pas du tout sexe, juste sympatiquement sexy et gore, comme un film de (feu) la 5.


pour la 3D, il faudra attendre la dvd collector qui sort au japon debut aout. donc ca sent l'arnaque quand meme


a part ca, l'equipe a papoté entre elle durant 30 minutes, le tout interrogé banalement par un presentateur. pas de question reponse avec le public


en tout cas, on sent clairement que nakano sest fait depassé par ses disciples, et a juste voulu se faire un delire entre potes (mais quelLES potes ).


sympatoco banzaiolo


je joins quelques instantanés (désolé pour la mediocrité des photos mais on avait juste droit qu'a 1min de photo, depuis notre place ).



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ah ah ah ! Merci pour l'exclu (même si je trouve qu'il n'y a pas beaucoup de photos de Sora )


donc sinon si j'ai bien compris on trouve bien mieux ailleurs (?)


PS : sinon je suis jaloux, des trucs comme ça, ça ne se fait qu'à Tokyo...

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