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The Dark Knight Rises - Chris Nolan, 2012


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Next Media Animation is a Taiwan-based subsidiary of Next Media, a Hong Kong media conglomerate, which is purposed toward creating CGI-animated, humorous re-enactments of recent news stories. The studio has achieved notoriety outside the Chinese-language demographic in 2010, beginning with a re-enactment of the revelations of Tiger Woods' extramarital affairs which received coverage in Western media. It has also received notoriety for an ongoing online video "feud" between the studio and Conan O'Brien



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“We need to hear your voices! Now and Loud! We are creating the sound of a worldwide chant. Everyone come and be part of it. It’s easy: There is no such thing as out-of-tune, no timing we can’t fix later. If you mumble, growl, scream or whisper, it’s all good. Make it yours. If you only get halfway through, no problem! Do it alone, bring your friends, but do it with energy and commitment.Let your voice be heard and be a part of our adventure!”
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