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Deliver Us From Evil - Amy Berg (2006)


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Lions Gate nous refait le coup du film choc sur le thème de la pédophilie, avec de nouveau une affiche tueuse, mais cette fois sous la forme d'un documentaire sur l'affaire la plus scandaleuse qui ait touchée l'Eglise ces dernières années.


Moving from one parish to another in Northern California during the 1970s, Father Oliver O'Grady quickly won each congregation's trust and respect. Unbeknownst to them, O'Grady was a dangerously active pedophile that Church hierarchy, aware of his predilection, had harbored for over 30 years, allowing him to abuse countless children. Juxtaposing an extended, deeply unsettling interview with O'Grady himself with the tragic stories of his victims, filmmaker Amy Berg bravely exposes the deep corruption of the Catholic Church and the troubled mind of the man they sheltered.


Trailer : http://www.apple.com/trailers/lions_gate/deliverusfromevil/

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