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Cloverfield - 01-18-08 - Matt Reeves (2008)


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Moi je penche pour une version alternative de Gamera.


On dirait qu'il a une carapace...


Qui plus est, le site est, on le sait, affilié au film.


Et comme l'a fait remarqué le gars de CloverfieldClues, l'anagramme de TAGRUATO est TORTUGA, ce qui signifie TORTUE en espagnol.

Si ça c'est pas de l'info c'est au moins pédagogique.


On peut aussi y lire la contraction de Tortue Eiga, soit Film de Tortue.

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Moi je penche pour une version alternative de Gamera.


On dirait qu'il a une carapace...


Qui plus est, le site est, on le sait, affilié au film.


Et comme l'a fait remarqué le gars de CloverfieldClues, l'anagramme de TAGRUATO est TORTUGA, ce qui signifie TORTUE en espagnol.

Si ça c'est pas de l'info c'est au moins pédagogique.


On peut aussi y lire la contraction de Tortue Eiga, soit Film de Tortue.


Et sachant qu'ils lui tirent des rockets à la tronche...

Huuuumm nan c'est pas possible quand même ! Depuis le début le streum de Colverfield se planquerait sur ZoneBis ?

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Un update sur le site de la compagnie Tagruato (


CloverfieldClues relaie la news. website was updated today. A new "Investor News" item was added:



To Investors: Concerning the RRC Article

Tagruato is aware that many of you are shocked and angered over the recent article by the Ravaille Research Center. The Slusho! Board of Directors would like to assure you that the article's claims are completely false and that there is no Seabed's Nectar available outside their contained factories. The author of the article, Dr. Abe, is known for his suspicious research methods. In 1994 he was brought before his university's academic board in regards to his genetic manipulation of Australian Aphynos. We have dealt with similar predators before. The article has been stripped from all subsequent issues and our legal department is currently looking into further retaliation methods. Please contact a Tagruato representative for more information on this matter.

A search of "Aphynos" is fruitless, but a search for "Ravaille Research Center" leads to a post on the original Science Forums by 5Pancakes:



Ravaille Research Center?


Hi! I’m new to the boards. You all seem very well read so I hope someone nows what I’m talking about.


I'm attaching a article I found about the Slusho! drinks and the weird affect it's having on people. I'm worried because my 2 boys drink it everyday.


Does anyone have info on the Ravaille Research Center? Are they legitimate? Does anyone have any other research on Slusho! drinks?




Attached to the post, was the "nectar" document above. The document addresses health concerns about Slusho's secret ingredient:


1265.08.41 482

Vol. 131. 476-491


Nectar (cont’d)

steady stream of print and media advertising, nutritional information [concerning]

Slusho! drink remains limited, leaving some suspicious consumers with a sour [taste]

in their mouths.


Last month, [inadvertently] coinciding with public pressure from the FDA [regarding]

plans to finally import Slusho! to the United States, my department at the [Ravaille]

Research Center realised its own preliminary study on Slusho!'s mystery [ingredient].

Despite slight food coloring changes to affect color and, in the case of [Chocolate]

Rage, texture, our tests uncovered some surprisingly recognizable culprits.


Unfortunately, due to Slusho!'s peculiar response ro traditional testing [methods]

none of these ingredients could be definitively verified. We postulate the [possible]

presence of the following: Carbonated water, glucose, sodium citrate, vitamin [C,]

D-pantothenol, citric acid, oleoresin, gelatine, sucrose, acetate isobutyrate, [phos-]

phoric acid, carob bean gum, and potassium benzoate. True to their reputation, [rep-

resentatives from Tagruato ignored our attempts at correspondence regarding [our]

findings, despite repeat phone calls, emails, and an ill-fated office visit.


None of these ingredients, on their own, send up any health-related warning [flags.]

Most are prevelant in any number of other [publicly] available beverages. [Except, of]

course, for the glaring blue whale in the room: Seabed‘s Nectar ("kaitei no mitsu"),

Slusho!'s self-proclaimed "special ingredient" and centerpiece of their prolific [adver-]

tising campaign has somehow evaded classification in any kind of [international di-]

etary database. Unfortunately for the inquiring consumer, there’s no law that [requires]

corporations to give all of the secrets of their recipes. Formulas for some of Slusho!'s

competitors have remained hidden for over a century.


Tagruato hides behind these legalities when faced with questions regarding [their]

acquisition methods and the chemical makeup of Seabed's Nectar, claiming the [threat]

of rival companies has forced their silence. Tagruato’s successful evasion of both [gov-]

ernment and private research, however, may be costing a higher price for [consumers]

that they realize. Assuming, despite public disagreement on the subject, that [seabed’s]

Nectar does have the restorative powers that Tagruato claims in their campaigns. [Or-]

ganized research into the ingredient could lead to growth in preventative and [homeo-]

pathic medicine. Their choice to hide what could be a great benefit to the [collective]

knowledge of mankind seems both unethical and disgustingly profit-oriented.


Concerned about the wealth of information lost by Tagruato‘s negligent [attitude,]

my department managed to obtain a small sample of Seabed’s Nectar. Our [???]

sions are spotty at best, based on diluted specimens and poor investigative [???]

tions. Our findings are too consistent, however, to be discounted completely. [The]

short term exposure to the substance, some initial tests revealed accelerated [???]

growth, increased strength, increased soft muscle tissue growth, sharper [eyesight],

better digestion. smoother skin, and a full-body, pleasant sensation that one [of our]

researchers actually described as "a wave of pure happiness". The rest of this [report]

will attempt to summarize our findings based on preliminary tests with [seabed’s]

Nectar and, hopefully, lay die foundation for more extensive research. We [all???]

Our testing regimen with a current case study: the notorious documentary footage

depicting an 84-year-old woman drinking twelve large Slusho! Beverages and [???]



* Thanks to Jawbone at Unfiction for finding this, and to Eddy at for emailing me about this!

** Unfortunately, the Science Forums people have already altered the post


Le doc en question :


"The plot thickens" comme dirait machin...

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Le site de la compagnie Tagruato a été piraté !


La compagnie dirigée par Ganu Yoshida, le découvreur de l'ingrédient spécial dans le Slusho (et fils de Noriko Yoshida, surnomée "la petite baleine", partie en mer pour chercher un ingredient spécial et qui n'est jamais revenue - voir l'histoire de Slusho), a été attaquée par des Hackers. Ils ont rajouté des cornes de démon à la photo de Ganu Yoshida, une vague gigantesque qui détruit une ville qui pourrait bien être New York, et des animaux marins aux looks chelou. Le nom du site a aussi été changé en "Tagruato détruit nos océans".


Comme le dit le gars de, ça ressemble à la "Cause" dont Teddy a parlé a Jamie sur le (Mot de passe : jllovesth)

Dans la dernière video, Jamie faisait un striptease pour Teddy car elle n'avait plus de nouvelles de lui depuis deux jours, s'inquietant de ce que peut être "la cause".


Rob partait-il au Japon pour travailler pour Tagruato ? Euhhh... oui.


A vous la Terre !




Ah oui pis pour se marrer...


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The ScreenWatcher sur le forum IMDB et son interessante théorie :


This is what I have pieced together...all is from some so called 'leaks' and real facts and what we have found already. Hopefully they will do take a road like this one so it will make the whole experience so much intense for the 'reality' of it:



The Tagrauto company will assume responsibility for the finding/realease of the Monster (by accident) at the 'Chuai Station'.


Later everyone around the world will know that in the search of the miraculous 'extramophiles' (as read on for new medicine vaccines, Ganu Yoshida the CEO, had ran into a very incredible substance (were between the many pharmaceutical uses also is used to make SLUSHO). This 'substance' made of bacteria, to be able to be used must be maintained at very cold temperatures, and they do this (and other researches) on the island of Hokkaido, Japan. The subterranean areas where this is done curiously develops big areas of Red Clover (real fact: in 1990 the Ministry of Agriculture in Hokkaido was set to developed a new tetraploid cultivar of red clover - google it)


Tagruato had a successful hit with SLUSHO all over asia and was planning to export to the western world (reason why ROB is hired and why he gives as a gift to his brother the T-shirt with the future miracle drink) also I belive what Seth give to Jill as a gift in the blue box are Slusho t-shirts. ALSO, Jill tried slusho, but not in the frozen state that it should for its consumption and somehow started to have side effects as shown on all the videos (yeast infections, first sign of bacteria on the organism)


Tagruato sadly found out too late that the miraculously stuff is the food for other 'billion' year old creatures that live in the deep cores of our earth and that we would've never known about if it werent for the deep sea drilling projects. The 'substance' was some sort of modern 'Spermaceti' as it used to be found on sperm whales (whales references again!) and used for, between many other uses, for pharmaceutical products and vitamins in the 19th century (that's a real fact too)


The government after the incident in NY pieces this together too and call this case "CLOVERFIELD".



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Une trouvaille interessante d'un forumeur IMDB.


Le blog qui semble faire parti du marketing viral du film.


Il semble que ce soit le blog des anti-Tagruato.


Dans la section "Tagruato's True Face", un internaute a fait ce commentaire :

Ha! So this corrupt corporation has finally gotten what it has deserved. I'll tell you, those scum at Tagruato Corporation, why, they're just a mere protazoa's waste. The Effect is taking over, we are inexorable. Don't mess with us, Yoshida, or else you'll get more than just a hack...

Bon ok donc "bien fait pour le hack et nananereuuu"

Ce qui est interessant dans tout ça c'est le nom de l'internaute en question : Aspidochelone.

EH OUI !!! Si on comptabilise le nombre de lettre, et qu'on soustrait la taille de la police, on obtient...

Non. ce qui est etonnant c'est que cet internaute est le seul sur le blog dont le nom soit un lien.

Et si on clique dessus on se retrouve chez Wikipedia... Là :


En substance l'article dit :

According to the tradition of the Physiologus and medieval bestiaries, the aspidochelone is a fabled sea creature, variously described as a large whale or sea turtle, that is as large as an island. The name aspidochelone appears to be a compound word combining Greek aspis, the asp, and chelone, the turtle. It rises to the surface from the depths of the sea, and entices unwitting sailors to make landfall on its huge shell. In Old English literature, in the poem The Whale, the creature appears under the name Fastitocalon, apparently a variant of aspidochelone. In the moralistic allegory of the Physiologus and bestiary tradition, the aspidochelone represents Satan, who deceives those whom he seeks to devour


Putain de baleines et de tortues qui font rien qu'à nous gonfler depuis le début de ces recherches cryptiques en diable... eh merde, lui aussi maintenant.

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LU :


A friend of mine works for a production company in NY doing sound editing. He shot me some mind bullets saying that the monster is Cthulu and it's destroying NY because Metallica sucks and doesn't want its name defiled in their music. The movie ends when it realizes it's on the wrong side of the country




Lars enculé !!!!!

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Cloverfield Monster Revealed?

Mysterious New Cloverfield Trailer Sparks Searches

By Erik Gunther

Tue, November 27, 2007, 3:23 pm PST

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We're counting the days as January 18 draws closer. What's special about that ho-hum Friday in the middle of January? Well, that's the date the shrouded-in-secrecy "Cloverfield" is scheduled to land in theaters.


The trailer for the mysterious monster movie made its debut back in July and sparked huge buzz. Since then, the buzz has quieted a bit, but an ardent group of movie buffs are still scouring the Web for the scoop on the flick.


This week we witnessed a 371% increase in searches on "cloverfield monster revealed" after a new trailer offered a glimpse of the horror to come. Related queries on "cloverfield monster" and "cloverfield trailer" have also smashed through the Search box. Diabolical director J.J. Abrams, the mastermind of all this hype, has jumped 116% in searches over the past week.


The Web-based viral marketing component has been key in keeping the movie's buzz alive. Searches on "cloverfield clues" jumped 112% as sneaky sleuths attempted to unravel a few of the film's mysteries. One question as of late—does the movie's classified colossus have anything to do with the legendary Cthulhu? Searches on the horrific creation of author H.P. Lovecraft soared 64% this week as monstrous theories circulated around the Web.


We can't tell if Cthulhu is involved in the Cloverfield saga, but the latest cinematic clue to make a splash in Search is "slusho." Stir that latest tidbit with past buzzworthy bits such as "cloverfield myspace," "ethan haas," and "1-18-08" and you'll find yourself knee deep in the film's mysterious mythology.


Tain y a vraiment des gens qu'ont pas de vie....

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Vous le savez, on peut acheter des T-shirts Slusho sur le site du même nom :



Il ya quelques mois, les gens recevaient leurs colis avec des bouts de journaux japonais dedans.

Depuis quelques jours, les acheteurs reçoivent leurs colis avec des morceaux d'un mémo émanant de la compagnie Tagruato.

Le toile-maistre de CloverfieldClues a assemblé les bouts et a obtenu ça :




Voila la traduction (Merci aux fous furieux de








兌 You obtain, the batten -----


{TO:} Level 1 Temporary Provision Staff Member

{FROM:} Judgement Council

{SUBJECT: Trusting Those Out of Our Sight}



Effective Immediately!


Over the next few days, because of the incident that took place, starting now all letters to the outside will first

pass through our communication center, or they will not go out. Level 1 Personnel? They will remain where they are, making certain to read the message from start to finish. (How will they know it is authentic, this message that is dispatched everywhere? When it is inscribed by the 貫.)


In addition, working hard/employment rusted overtime? As for the employees, they will be made to wait in their appointed lodging facility until told otherwise.


If one witnesses an act of misconduct, and neglects to report it to the Council, Chuai's department bureau will enforce principles and regard it as a violation. There will be no exceptions.





Mais ce n'est pas tout ! Au dos du document on peut lire un truc écrit à la main en anglais :


American, The Chuai station hides a dark secret. Good people are going missing. Expect further communication in the near future. - the Whistle Blower


Je rappelle que Tagruato Corp est une compagnie qui, entre autre, fore les fonds marins à la recherche de pétrole. C'est comme ça qu'ils ont trouvé l'ingrédient secret du Slusho.


Regardez la carte ici :

La Chuai station est a quelques encablures de... New York.


Pour finir, qui est ce Whistle Blower ? Tout laisse à croire que ce serait Teddy et sa fameuse "cause".

Il va falloir attendre le 9 décembre pour savoir ce que Teddy a mis dans le paquet cadeau bleu qu'il a envoyé a Jamie, cette dernière n'étant pas supposée l'ouvrir avant.



Une rumeur dit qu'une 5e vidéo serait apparue sur le (mot de passe inchangé : jllovesth), mais qu'elle ne serait restée que quelques petites heures. D'après ceux qui l'ont vu, l'image était noire et on entendait Jamie pleurer puis déchirer du papier. Aurait-elle ouvert le paquet avant la date ? Que contient-il ? Certainement quelque chose en rapport avec Slusho. Jamie sera-t-elle la première contaminée ?

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