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Cloverfield - 01-18-08 - Matt Reeves (2008)


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JJ Abrams au Comic Con :

This is going to be really, really quick,


I just want to say, I want a monster movie.

I want a great monster movie. I wanted a monster movie for so long.


and, I was in Japan over a year ago with my son, who's eight.

and all he wanted to do was go to toy stores, so I know he's my son.

and we went to all these stores and there were still all these Gozillas everywhere

and whats better than Godzilla?


And I thought, we need out own monster, like we need a monster movie


And I thought not like King Kong. I love King Kong. King Kong is adorable.

And Godzilla is a charming monster. We love Godzilla


But I wanted something that was just insane, and intense.


And so we started making this movie,

and we're making it for you right now, and it's almost done shooting.

And I watch dailies, and I'm more excited about the movie itself than the trailer,

which has gotten an amazing response. I can't thank you enough for that


I would say that we have six months before this movie comes out, it's a long time

And so, in the coming months, you're going to get a whole bunch of things:



You're going to get the real trailer

You're going to get the real poster

You're going to get to see the footage from the movie

And You'll get the real title

I don't give that today. But, I will give you today...


[Croud aaaawwwwwwwws!]


Oh COME ON! Please! You think we'd call it "Monsterous"? No.


We have something for you, which is that we have these posters that are made that are really cool. A series of four posters that everyones is going to get, and I hope you like those too.


I can not wait for January. You guys are the greatest. Thank you so much.



Tain... Un monstre américain... Tous mes rêves d'attaque par un Pikachu géant s'envolent....

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Tain... Un monstre américain... Tous mes rêves d'attaque par un Pikachu géant s'envolent....

Attends, ca pourrait etre Homer Simpson, on sait jamais.

Ou Mariah Carey, Oprah Winfrey ou pire...Barbara Streisand !!:D


Je vous ai deja dit que cela ne pouvait etre qu'un streum français !!!


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Une nouvelle photo sur le site 011808... Achtement interessante et cryptique


(Regardez bien le reflet dans l'oeil du gars du milieu... Huuuum... Sans compter qu'ils sont 3 sur la photos. Et que signifient les quatre points rouges sur le verre ? Un début de crop-circle sur carton ?)


Et finalement la révélation que l'on attendait tous... Le MONSTRE !!!!!















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Bon revenons à des choses sérieuses. Un petit gars a grossi une partie de l'affiche et c'est assez incroyable.

Regardez bien les volutes sur le coin gauche en bas, ainsi que l'amas au dessus de la tour vers lequel convergent les deux hélicos. Si vous fixez attentivement les zones sans cligner des yeux pendant 30 minutes, la vérité vous apparaitra (et votre ophtalmo vous remerciera).


Certains y voit des créatures Lovecraftiennes (on parle même de Super Nanny), des yeux globuleux et une gueule. A vous les studios !


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Je savais bien que cette question allait être soulevée, je te l'avoue Jerry. Tu fais donc bien de la soulever et ta perspicacité m'émeut.

Car finalement cette photo est l'ultime spoiler, le Graal tant convoité.


Mais pour s'en convaincre, encore faut-il "savoir comment" regarder la photo et y voir la vérité tant habillement masquée par Abrams.

Désolé JJ mais t'es pas habile. Attention tu vas pas kiffer...


LE MONSTRE Ladies and gentlemen, la fin d'un calvaire psychotronique :
















Et oui, le doute n'est plus permis, Cloverfield/Slusho/011808 sera le 5e volet de la saga "Alien". Le fameux "les aliens sur terre". Un bien joli design de la bête après le massacre Jeunetisien.

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* The monster is an alien, it looks like a squid (it has tentacles)

* The movie begins when people play back a camcorder

* The ENTIRE movie is told through the story of a camcorder recording the events (yes, shaky) - the only scenes filmed normally are the "today" scenes when they are handling the videocamera they found

* The creature is barely seen the movie documents the events from the party to the eventual destruction when the owner of the camera has to dispose of the camera to escape

* Slusho has nothing to do with this movie

* This movie is more like a psychological drama than a sci-fi action film

* The explosion and the Statue of Liberty head are the two largest special effects you will see in the movie

* There will be lots of dialogue, one of the major themes of the movie is Fear of Death and The Unknown

* The monster stops as suddenly as it starts. Unlike War of the Worlds, there is no attempt to give an explanation

* Military is completely powerless against monster

* The film will be called "Overnight" because it takes place overnight in just a few hours

* Movie is 2 hours long

* There are NO famous actors or actresses

* Shield your eyes when exiting the theatre the movie is very dark there are many times when you'll be like squinting

* When you see the monster you get glimpses only. By the end of the movie you're like WTF I never even got a good look




Vu sur le forum IMDB. Une spéculation plus que plausible.

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