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Rivages sanglants - Ugo Liberatore - 1974

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The survivors of the Bounty?, 23 January 2005

Author: Ténèbre Rarum (Dario_the_2nd) from Antwerp / Belgium


It could be the true story of the survivors from the "Mutiny on the Bounty" who stranded on the island of "Emanuelle and the last cannibals". A group English and Polish survivors are searching for the paradise on earth in the south sea. No prob. they found one (of course)! After already a few hours the camp divides in 2, as matter of race and jealousy. From this point on the movie is turning into a blood bath. If you are a collector of cult movies this is the 1 to search for. Otherwise keep your hands off. Just a pity that it's very hard to find, the movie is extremely rare.


Seek see and enjoy. 8 outa 10 Dario/

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