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Tout ce qui a été posté par Blame

  1. Et sur le dvd, il y a quoi mis à part le court?
  2. Blame

    Keoma - E. Castellari- 1976

    Il me semble que castellari n'aime pas non plus la musique de Keoma...
  3. Oh purée! Tu es bien à prague ?! John legend et Mylo, c'est assez connu un tant soit peu qu'on écoute pour chacun ce style musical.
  4. Le trailer:
  5. Un nouveau trailer en ligne sur le même lien.
  6. [img][/img] Musique des années 80 saupoudrés par 2/3 des années 90 triturés, samplés et mixés, très dancefloor.
  7. Il y a un stalinien qui m'a enlevé mon poste parce que j'ai pas mis de texte en dessous. [img][/img] Trip hop, hip hop, jungle, dj shadow livre une prestation en live égale à lui même et sans fioriture.
  8. [quote="Blame"][img][/img][/quote] Je m'en lasse pas de ce disque qui est un mélange de breakbeat hip hop, de chant japonais et de jazz.
  9. [img][/img]
  10. [img][/img]
  11. The seven ex-soldiers are back! They're hired to complete a new extreme mission for the sake of one thing only: their country. During the World War II, Japanese troop occupies and spreads the power around East Asia. The seven soldiers are marked as black list from the troop. It's time for the seven to reunite and fight again for their country and their life. Le trailer:
  12. He was doomed to die, but managed to survive, and now his mission is to revenge for the annihilation of his tribe. He is the great warrior who calls himself Volkodav, and is the last man from the tribe of Serie Psi (Grey Hounds). After escaping certain death, Volkodaw (accompanied by Neletuchaya Mysh) is on a mission to kill Ludoed who is responsible to what happened to Serie Psi. Un film de Ulf comme dirait Wonkley. Trailer:
  13. Apparement ça traite de la guerre en afghanistan entre les russes et les afghans... Le trailer :
  14. [img][/img]
  15. [img][/img]
  16. [img][/img]
  17. Un autre trailer : [url][/url]
  18. Une sympathique interview de Bruce Cambpell: [url][/url]
  19. [img][/img]
  20. [img][/img]
  21. C'est quoi ces autres films à Sato? c'est dans le même genre?
  22. [img][/img]
  23. Il realise, il ecrit, il joue.
  24. Sudsakorn is a curious young man, raised in the ancient traditions of magic by his mystical grandfather. He never knew his father, only a void where the loving memories should be. His mother, a beautiful mermaid is pained by his sadness, so sends him on a quest to find his father. Armed with his grandfather's magical weaponry Sudsakorn sets off into the mysterious world of yore on his trusty steed, Ma Nin Mangkorn, a half dragon, half horse. What starts as a simple quest soon turns into an amazing adventure, and a fight for survival against the dark forces of the ancient world. Old Siam is a terrifying and dangerous place, especially for wizards and warlocks. Danger soon crosses Sudsakorn's path to finding his father. Sudsakorn encounters a heinous and deadly creature, and must use his magical powers to defeat the foul beast, and continue his journey. The display of power doesn't go unnoticed and Sudsakorn is persuaded to fight monsters and demons by the king of an ancient city. With his new found mission to protect the innocent, and slay all evil that plagues the land, his quest to find his father is put on hold. But can Sudsakorn's power last, or will the forces of evil defeat him before he finds his father? Sudsakorn must fight to stay alive, before he too falls victim the treachery of the ancient world… Trailer: [url][/url]
  25. [img][/img] [url][/url]
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