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Zombie War


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Bon c'est le bordel cette news mais elle est folle

Pitt et la Paramount se disputeraient avec Di Caprio et Warner

l'adaptation de la nouvel World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War, enfin c'est ce que j'ai compris :


Paramount & Pitt Planning Zombie War

Source: Variety June 15, 2006



Paramount Pictures has acquired screen rights to the Max Brooks novel "World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War." Brad Pitt's Plan B will produce.


Written by the author of the satire "The Zombie Survival Guide," Barry's follow-up sparked a bidding battle between Paramount and Pitt, with Warner Bros. and Leonardo DiCaprio's Appian Way on the other side of the table.


The book is a sober telling of the aftermath of a war fought against a legion of humans who were inflicted with a virus, died and were reanimated into flesh-eating zombies.


"World War Z" will be published in the fall by Crown..


edit : chronique du bouquin sur Fangoria :

le concept est genial !

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