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benjamin c

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Messages posté(e)s par benjamin c

  1. Au lieu de la nuit hallucinée à Lyon, pourquoi ne pas faire : La Nuit De L'A.V.C. Au programme :


    - Loup-Garou de Stéphane Levy


    - Adieu au Langage de Jean-Luc Godard


    - Cosmopolis de David Cronemberg


    + Une conférence sur l'expressionnisme allemand (bien que je rêverai d'avoir une belle copie du CRI d'Edvard Munch dans mon salon).

    + Glory hole

    + Alcool

  2. ?v=IYssJNxfm5M


    Aka Le Récidiviste chez nous. Chef-d'œuvre incommensurable et curieusement le moins connu de la bio à Dustin. Je vais être bref et concis : casting majestueux, réalisation savamment maîtrisée (le climax du casse...), je ne lui trouve tout simplement aucun défaut. Si tu n'aimes pas un minimum ce film : c'est que tu ne mérites pas de vivre (celui-ci ou Prédator).



    At last! Details/art for Scream Factory’s “NIGHTBREED: The Director’s Cut” Blu-ray/DVD



    The restoration that horror fans everywhere have been waiting for is arriving just in time for Halloween: Shout! Factory has revealed a street date and other info for its Scream Factory release of Clive Barker’s Director’s Cut of NIGHTBREED, which will have two different editions.


    Barker’s much-troubled adaptation of his novel CABAL has, of course, played around festivals in a CABAL CUT crammed with every last bit of recovered footage. Now the movie is set to arrive as NIGHTBREED: The Director’s Cut October 28, in a 5,000-unit Limited Edition three-Blu-ray set and a Special Edition Blu-ray/DVD combo. The Limited Edition will consist of:


    • Disc 1: Unrated Director’s Cut of the film on Blu-ray

    • Disc 2: The 1990 R-rated theatrical version of the film on Blu-ray (through a special licensing agreement through Warner Bros.)

    • Disc 3: Exclusive-to-this-set Bonus Blu-ray disc packed with extras (details forthcoming)

    • Collector’s book with an essay and rare photos

    • Slipcase including newly designed artwork approved by Clive Barker


    The two-disc Special Edition will contain the Unrated Director’s Cut on both Blu-ray and DVD, with bonus features to be announced. The Limited Edition will retail for $79.97, and the Special Edition for $29.93; those who order the Limited Edition directly from Shout! Factory’s website will receive an exclusive 18 x 24-inch poster of the new artwork while supplies last.


    The Director’s Cut will contain restored film footage, as opposed to the video scenes on view in THE CABAL CUT. Says Barker, in an official statement, “This is film history and beyond my wildest dreams of realization. When Scream Factory told me that they found the NIGHTBREED film footage I was gob-smacked! This is the ultimate validation of choices made by myself and Mark Miller [of Seraphim Films] all the way back in 2008. As we embarked down the road of attempting to track down the lost footage, we looked at each other and said, ‘Maybe one day they’ll find it.’ It’s my pleasure to announce that the day has come.


    “Speaking personally, I didn’t allow myself to believe that it would. Even if we did find some footage (which we did in 2009 in the form of heavily degraded VHS tapes) and even if we did find a company willing to release the film (which we did in 2013 with Scream Factory, God bless them) the prospect of finding the actual lost film materials was remoter than I’d wanted to admit out loud. If the footage could not be found by those who had worked closest on it the same year it had been released, then what were the odds we’d be able to find anything 20 years on? But Scream Factory, in their commendable determination, kept up the search and thanks to them total reconstruction has been made a possibility.


    “There’s never been a reconstruction that’s had as little chance of succeeding and yet has succeeded on as many fronts as this film has. It’s unprecedented. To now have a movie that we can put together in the way that I fully intended it to be seen when I first set out to make this film in 1989 is extraordinary. The project has moved inexorably to this conclusion. Fate and the hard work of individuals such as Mark Miller, Russell Cherrington, Phil and Sarah Stokes, Occupy Midian, Morgan Creek, and ultimately, Scream Factory have made this a possibility and I could not be happier.”

  4. Vu hier soir, comme beaucoup je reste un peu groggy mais avec cette impression d'avoir assisté à une expérience filmique forte appréciable. Scarlett est saisissante, aussi "émouvante" que déroutante. Le dénouement a réussi à troubler mon sommeil, telle une poésie noire qui ne cesse de raisonner dans ma tête...



    J'y repense et fascination totale.

    J'ai lu le bouquin de Faber qui est trèèèèèèèèès différent et amène beaucoup plus d'éléments concrets (mais pas trop).

    Pourrais-tu en dire un peu plus ? Très curieux je suis...


    Blue Underground gave Fango the scoop on its release of STAGEFRIGHT (a.k.a. DELIRIA, AQUARIUS and BLOODY BIRD) on hi-def disc as well as a new DVD September 23. The movie, in which a theatrical troupe are bloodily slaughtered in a theater after dark by an escaped psychopath wearing an owl mask, will be presented in a brand new 1.85:1 hi-def transfer (1080p on the Blu-ray) from the original, uncut camera negative. The Blu-ray will include DTS-HD 5.1 and 2.0 soundtracks, and the DVD will have Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround EX and Dolby Surround 2.0 audio. Both discs will be fully loaded with extras:


    • “Theatre of Delirium”: Interview with director Soavi

    • “Head of the Company”: Interview with star David Brandon

    • “Blood on the Stage Floor”: Interview with star Giovanni Lombardo Radice

    • “The Sound of Aquarius”: Interview with composer Simon Boswell

    • “The Owl Murders”: Interview with makeup FX artist Pietro Tenoglio

    • Theatrical trailer

    • Poster and still gallery


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