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Drop Dead Sexy - Michael Philip - 2005


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When their money scam runs aground, a group of would-be thieves turn to kidnapping in an attempt to blackmail their target.


There's mixed news out there about whether the film's getting a theatrical release or straight to DVD. Lions Gate bought it for US distribution, though we hear Australia is going direct to DVD with it this May. The film was premiered at a festival in March 2005. source:newsaskew



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  • 7 months later...


Bon film. Le manque de moyen se fait sentir mais on ne s'ennuie pas surtout grace à Crispin Glover qui fait du Crispin Glover donc un mec un peu perturbé qui tombe amoureux d'un jolie cadavre. Mais tout cela reste tres sage bien sur. Alors on se marre pas comme des bossus mais ça fait passer le temps.

Sinon comme d'hab dans le film le cadavre est joué par:

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