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Drive - Fox - 2007


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Des hommes et des femmes, venus d'horizons divers, s'engagent dans une course illégale et sans merci à travers les Etats-Unis. Les circonstances de la vie, l'appât du gain (les 32 millions de dollars promis au vainqueur) ou d'autres motifs plus obscurs les ont poussés à prendre place sur la ligne de départ. Alex Tully se jette dans la bataille pour retrouver sa femme disparue, Wendy fuit son mari, John s'engage dans cette folle course pour prouver à sa fille qu'il est encore bel et bien vivant, Winston considère cette compétition comme une rédemption... Désormais ils n'ont qu'un but : gagner.


Bon je compare (y'en a qui aime pas qu'on compare) à Prison Break parce que c'est encore une serie avec une intrigue qui se resolve petit à petit à chaque épisode. Et puis c'est Fox.


Ca se laisse voir.

Le premier episode est plutot pas mal, pour l'instant pas de cascades mais on a le droit à de la course sur autoroute bien foutues, c'est pas non plus Bad Boys 2 hein. L'intrigue de la femme disparue du personnage principale n'est pas super passionante.

Y a de belles caisses, lowrider, pickup fermier et bolides.

Le cast est sympa, Nathan Fillion, Taryn Manning...

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Mechamment excitant le 4eme episode. Ca faste, ca furiouse, tous les persos ont pour l'instant des gros problemes mentaux (en tout cas plus qu'il n'y paraissait dans le pilote) . Y'a des chiquitas canons, des poursuites au coucher du soleil que ne renieraient pas Monsieur B., et du mystere en veux-tu en voila...


Y'aura 6 episodes et ensuite un mega break non determine (mais 12 episodes vont etre produits dans un premier temps). Donc profitez-en !!!


Un extrait :

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Exclusive: Fox Cancels Drive


Drive has been impounded.


Multiple sources confirm that Fox has axed the Tim Minear creation after less than three weeks on the air. I'll go out on a limb and say the show's crappy ratings were to blame. House encores will take over its Monday/8 pm time slot.


There is one piece of good news: I'm hearing the final two unaired Drive eps may get burned off on consecutive Fridays in May.



PUTAIN FOX LES CONS !!! C'est pas possible ca. Tim Minear, trouve toi un autre network...

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Extrait Interview Nathan Fillion


What is next?


We’ll have to discover that together…my show on Fox just got cancelled. Thank you very much … we spent a whole ten days on the air so you know.…


Were you surprised?


In one way extremely in another way not at all.


Why and why?


Because it’s Fox. Fox is notoriously trigger-happy canceling shows - at the same time, I know that the critics are loving the show, that the people who are watching it are really digging it. I was having a good time playing the character. I truly believe? Kristin Lehman is an incredibly talented actress. We were telling some great stories and I was having a great time being the dude, who’s just a regular guy; one part super hero, two parts regular guy.


When your show gets canceled, do you say to yourself, “I picked the wrong thing, this isn’t my luck? Do you have any regrets?"


Good question. And no. I learned a long time ago that you just never know what’s going to happen. There are certainly no guarantees in life. And even more so in Hollywood. In the pursuit of happiness, there’s only so much that I can control. I can go to work everyday, and I’m in control of the kind of day I’m going to have. I’m in control of how I perform and how I deal with the people around me; I keep the people around me close to my heart. I’m in control of these things. Once it’s beyond my control, I let go. I’m not above having feelings or emotions about it, but I certainly don’t go, “Ugh. I shouldn’t have done that, and I’ll never do it again.” I can’t live in fear.


So DRIVE isn’t your first series that got canceled…


Actually, all of my series have been canceled.


How many have you done?




That wasn’t your fault…


I’m not saying it was my fault, I’m just saying I’m in them, and now they’re gone. I guess the only series that I was in that’s actually still going is One Life to Live.


Would you want to do another series after the last Fox thing?


Yes, do you have something in mind? Because I’m unemployed, so I’m always looking…

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