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Christmas Evil - Stéphane Bouyer, 2009(?)


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Et remake encore pour un petit bis culte des 80's que je n'ai jamais pu voir (j'ai une VHS du film mais il n'y a pas de son dessus )


Producers David Foster and Ryan E. Heppe have optioned the rights to Lewis Jackson's naughty Christmas Evil. "Before the writers' strike, several companies were interested in financing the project," Jackson tells Fangoria, "and post-strike, a deal should be completed." So, not much movement yet, but Foster and Heppe are hip to remaking a vicious holiday-themed film in one form or another... They also hold the remake rights to Silent Night, Deadly Night.


A croire qu'à cause de la grève, les producteurs optent encore plus pour l'option "remake".

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