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24 : le Film ?

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Le réalisateur/producteur Jon Cassar a , dans une interview au Calgary Sun, indiqué la possibilité d'une version cinéma de la série 24.


"The last I heard, the first hour will not be in real-time, but then something big will happen and real time will kick in. It still has to be worked out -- it's at a stage where they need to write it."



Ceci dit, il y a le temps car


Cassar will not predict a storyline for the big screen version of the show. He says the script will likely depend on what's happening on the series prior to the movie coming out.


"It could still be two years from now, so it's far too early to say," he says, adding even if he did know, he wouldn't give it away.


Le film serait bien sur une production Fox.

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Deja que decline sur plusieurs saisons le principe de la serie a de plus en plus de mal a tenir la route, alors sur un film je reste dubitatif.

A part un gang bang d'Elisa Cuthbert, je vois pas quelle idee neuve ils vont pouvoir proposer...

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