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Mr. no legs - Ricou Browning - 1981

Basculo Cui Cui

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j'ai vu quelques extraits en le humhumant et ca a l'air



The Cops want to get him. The Mob wants to hit him. But no one wants to meet him face to face.



Almost what I expected..., 28 November 2005


Author: pgyrn from Denmark


Meet Mr. No Legs! Deadly professional hit-man for a drug syndicate... and a limbless cripple! With his cool wheelchair, armed with shotguns and shurikens, and his amazing kung fu skills he means trouble for everyone he confronts, even his own boss! Things get ugly when a unlucky drug dealer kills his girl by an accident, especially because the girl's brother is a cop! And No Legs apparently have his own plans how to take over the whole business. The scenes with No Legs in action is probably some of the most tasteless entertaining stuff I have seen in a long time. It is really amazing to look at what he can do, even though he have no legs! Unfortunately there is a little too few scenes with him. The rest is just a ordinary cops vs. gangsters flick, assumable made in the 70's, with car chases and all the obligatory stuff. So... We got a limbless antihero, cheering dwarfs, skinny pimps, gore, race involved cat fights and bad disco music. A true obscure anti-masterpiece! The acting and directing is the worst, but that's why we watch these flicks, right?





coming soon at steb's

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  • 5 years later...

Le lot de consolation parfait si on perd ses jambes. Cela ne va pas empêcher de se battre en mettant les moignons où l'on veut et même dans la gueule! Et on peut toujours armé son fauteuil roulant. Un régal de nawak ce film où on s'ennuie très peu. JE VEUX le même fauteuil! .

Vu à une séance introduite par Frank Henenlotter qui a fait une présentation très instructive "Je n'ai jamais vu ce film. Il est introuvable. La seule séance que je connaisse était à un drive-in, que j'ai raté. Je n'ai jamais vu ce film. Je n'en ai quasiment pas entendu parler. Je ne sais même pas comment vous pouvez le voir ce soir, surtout avec une copie VF."

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