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City of Shadows - Xavier Gens, 2009


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X Gens semble partir vers une direction inattendue...


Source: http://www.twitchfilm.net/site/archive/film-news/


Good news here for fans of French director Xavier Gens [Frontiere(s)] with word on City of Shadows, an in development project that Gens should be shooting with Overlook Entertainment within the next year or so. Here’s an excerpt from Overlook’s write up of the project:


Paris, 1661: The City of Lights is a maze of streets filled with both dirt and enlightenment, a true paradise for all sorts of thieves and bandits where no one can walk about without risking his wealth and his life with every step.


The latest lieutenant general of the police apponted by Louis XIV, Nicolas De La Reynie, has his hands full with a sordid spree of murders by poison. He probes deeply into the fantastic “Court of Miracles”, a mysterious and unknown city impenetrably buried in the heart of Paris with its own rules and its own king ...


Gens doing a period set fantasy murder mystery? Yes, please ...


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