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The life & times of Jess Franco (Jose Luis Garcia Sanche


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About the new documentary The Life and Times of Jess Franco by Jose Luis Garcia Sanchez, still on production with lots of material, interviews and new footage (they are trying to get a new print of LABIOS ROJOS from the Filmoteca). They would like to release it in 2007, hopefully with a theatrical version and a longer version for TV or DVD (they already have almost 180' edited).


And more good news, along with the SGAE (Intellectual property society), they will publish a definitive filmography commented by Jess Franco himself and Garcia Sanchez, and probably a collection of selected and restored DVDs (no titles for the moment).


Un avant goût ici :


Sortie prévue en 2007


Source Latarnia

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they will publish a definitive filmography commented by Jess Franco


Est-ce humainement possible?

Me réjouis de voir l'engin


s'il passe 20mns de commentaires par film, ça ferait un bonus d'un peu moins de 35 heures (en se basant sur 200 films).

En comptant les multiples versions/montages, j'ai pas assez de chiffres sur ma calculette.

M'ouais j'ai hate aussi

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