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Un excellent blog de reviews de scénarios dont beaucoup n'ont jamais été ou ne sont pas encore produits. Et mieux, on peut télécharger la plupart de ces scénarios pour peu que les avocats ne soient pas passés avant. La preuve que contrairement à la croyance populaire, les scénaristes hollywoodiens ne sont pas en manque d'imagination ni d'audace qui sont plutôt l'apanage des studios.


Trois projets ont particulièrement retenus mon attention. Leurs scénars respectifs sont encore disponibles en téléchargement sur son blog. Le nouveau film de Jonathan Levine pour lequel j'ai créé un topic onc je n'y reviens pas, et deux autres :



Genre: Sci-Fi

Premise: Armies from throughout time are forced to fight against each other in a futuristic arena.

About: Spec sale from last year.

Writers: Toby Wagstaff & Darren Howell

A very interesting little script. The concept is outrageous. What would happen if you took all of the greatest armies throughout history and had them fight against each other? Sounds like fun but how do you actually make it believable? This might be the biggest coup for Howell and Wagstaff as they somehow capture a tone that grounds the absurdity and madness. Vikings, Nazis, Indians, even future armies, all battling it out side by side? And it works? Yes, it kinda does. It's not a home run by any means. But maybe a triple. Or a two run double.


"Van Damme vs. Seagal"

Genre: Comedy

Premise: Seagal and Van Damme play Los Angeles neighbors in the midst of a long-standing feud.

About: This is an older project I've been meaning to read forever. Friends told me it was good and the hook was too hilarious to pass up. The problem seems to be that Seagal and Van Damme won't do it. Which is a shame because realistically, this is their only chance of getting out of straight-to-dvd land. (If anyone has an update on this project, please e-mail me or leave a comment!)

Writer: da drooz


Dave is a struggling writer working on an obscure autobiography of a Bulgarian feminist when he's informed of a job by his agent that's a little...out of his comfort zone. Jean Claude Van Damme wants him to write his autobiography. "Jean Claude Van Who?" When Dave finds out it's some aging action movie star he adamantly refuses. Dave is a "serious" writer who does serious feminist biographies only. But the 175,000 dollar check changes his mind and off to Los Angeles he goes. What Dave doesn't know is that the only reason Van Damme wants to write an autobiography is because he's found out that his neighbor, the man he hates more than anything in the world, Steven Seagal, is writing his autobiography, and just like everything else in life, Jean Claude wants to beat him to it.


Naturally, the job of Van Damme's biographer turns into more than just being his biographer. It requires training with Van Damme, shopping with Van Damme, picking up after Van Damme, and even waxing Van Damme. Not nearly as in demand as he once was, Van Damme spends most of his days spying on Seagal and satisfying a sexual appetite that makes David Duchovny look like Ernest Borgnine. Not to be outdone, Seagal has his own set of spy equipment that he uses to watch Van Damme. He also enjoys sneaking into Van Damme's house at night and putting up posters of Under Siege or lobbing water balloons into his yard filled with his own urine.


During one of Seagal's spying sessions, he spots Dave and assumes that Van Damme is building an army to defeat him. The unwritten rules of their feud dictate that this is forbidden so Seagal heads off to see the United Nations of the Van Damme-Seagal conflict, Chuck Norris. Chuck Norris convinces Seagal to calm down, pointing out that an army requires more than one person. But Seagal is not convinced. He goes to his old friend Dolph Lundgren for help, but Dolph is doing something that's become a bit alien to Seagal and Van Damme - a movie. Not only that, but Dolph is going to direct his first film afterwards. Excited, Seagal inquires about a possible part. But Dolph looks away. He's sorry but he doesn't have anything available.


Beat up and depressed, Seagal decides to further investigate Van Damme's secret one-man weapon and discovers that he's not a weapon at all, but rather Van Damme's biographer. Seagal seeks out Dave's biography about the Bulgarian feminist and reads it. It is so touching - he is so moved - he kidnaps Dave and insists that he write *his* biography. This is after we find out that Seagal wasn't even writing a biography in the first place. Van Damme had some bad intel. But now that he knows Van Damme is writing a biography, he wants to write one first.


In the end, the former movie stars must team up to save Los Angeles from a group of terrorists who were living right in the house between them this whole time (they were too consumed with each other to notice). And of course, at the very very end, they finally fight each other.

Et dire qu'il ne verra probablement jamais le jour...

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  • 4 weeks later...

J'en profite pour signaler que malgré les liens qui sautent régulièrement, vous pouvez récupérer les scripts ici :




Vous y trouverez beaucoup de films sortis récemment (Indiana Jones 4), en production (The Expendables, Nightmare on Elm Street), ou dont les scénars ont été achetés mais pas encore produits (Magneto, Berverly Hills Cop 4) voir jamais produits (True Lies 2, Shadow Company écrit par Shane Black pour John Carpenter dans les 80's et deux trois Joe Eszterhas pour les amateurs).


Une mine d'or pour peu qu'on se donne la peine de creuser !

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  • 8 months later...

un stagiaire en production qui s'est fait une petite reput' sur ses exclus et depuis il a des gens qui lui envoient spontanément des trucs.


Pas très bien vu des scénaristes et des producteurs, ce que je peux tout à fait comprendre dans certains cas de films en "gestation".








N'empêche le film où un monsieur tout le monde s'aperçoit qu'il existe un musée sur sa personne a l'air

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un stagiaire en production qui s'est fait une petite reput' et depuis il a des gens qui lui envoient spontanément des trucs.


Pas très bien vu des scénaristes et des producteurs, ce que je peux tout à fait comprendre dans certains cas de films en "gestation".


N'empêche le film où un monsieur tout le monde s'aperçoit qu'il existe un musée sur sa personne a l'air


Le mec donne quand même pas mal de conseils intéressants.Etonnant que le mec ne soit "que" stagiaire en prod.

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