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A Nightmare on Elm Street - A Michael Bay production, 20**


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Le remake que je pensais qu'il arriverait bien plus tôt:


It's official: New Line execs are in talks with Platinum Dunes production company — horrormeisters behind the The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and upcoming Friday the 13th, The Birds remakes — to resurrect Nightmare on Elm Street, the series that helped launch the studio back in 1984. The new flick, which would be co-produced by Transformers director Michael Bay, will likely focus on the backstory of Freddy Krueger (Robert Englund) and pick up speed once the writers' strike is settled.
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04.02.2008 -


Englund out... Mais j'imagine qu'il aura au moins un caméo...


Robert Englund's term as Freddy Krueger may have come to end.


Platinum Dunes and New Line rocked the horror world last week when the production entities announced they were working together to overhaul the "Nightmare on Elm Street" brand (full story here). A number of industry sources recently phoned in to shed some light on the early discussions going on behind-the-scenes regarding "Nightmare"...and none of them include Englund starring as Krueger.


The franchise facelift includes discovering a new actor to polish up the finger knives and play the iconographic dream role Englund has practically made his second skin since '84.


Disheartening news for the fans, maybe, but rumor has it Michael Bay's Platinum Dunes is taking "Nightmare" back to square in fresh start, hitting the reset button, making it their own (think "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" '03 and Friday the 13th '09). Because of this decision, they'd like to find another actor to carry the new Krueger into future films.


Again, early talks. Script-wise, nothing can be sealed up until the WGA strike meets an end...and it sounds like that may be sooner than later.

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C'est dommage mais à la limite pourquoi pas, et presque 'tant mieux', s'ils salopent la saga comme les Massacre, c'est mieux qu'ils fassent ça avec un autre acteur. Et puis si le film est réussi ça fera un peu de sang neuf, Englund a trop d'historique sur ses épaules pour ne pas qu'on pense à 3000 scènes des autres en le voyant.

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Puis Englund a fait le tour du personnage à mon sens. J'espère que le nouvel acteur redonnera un côté effrayant à Freddy...Histoire que je puisse au moins une fois dans ma vie avoir peur devant ce film.


Attention, l'original est chouette, mais bon, voila quoi...c'est typiquement le genre de film qui a perdu en aura pour cause de franchise.

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