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HOSTEL 2 - Eli Roth, 2007


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source : MTV


MTV: While it's hard to track such things, "Hostel: Part II" is believed to be the most pirated movie ever, pre-release. Do you still blame such piracy for the weak opening of the film?


Roth: I don't know if it was the most downloaded film of all time, but there are tracking services that track what movies are being downloaded. And a copy of "Hostel 2" leaked out before its release and they had it, it was like millions and millions of hits. Not only was it downloaded, but in the countries it was downloaded — like Mexico and Brazil — there were copies on the street for practically a penny. You could buy "Hostel 2" for a quarter in Mexico City. As a result, in a lot of countries where the piracy was bad, they just didn't even release it.


MTV: Does that make you angry?


Roth: I'm furious. Here's the thing: It's real money. People say, "Oh, you can't get mad at people downloading." Well then, when are you supposed to get mad? If you don't speak out against it now, then when? You spend all this time making this product, and then people take it and steal it for free and pay nothing. And the audience that's specifically doing it is 17, 18, 19 — it's the college kids, and that's my audience. Unless you start an awareness about it, that it's not OK, then it's never going to change.


MTV: And by downloading, people are killing the very films they supposedly love.


Roth: There is no "Hostel 3"; it's not happening. I'm not saying it's the fault of piracy, but people have to be aware that it is a problem, and it does affect filmmakers.


MTV: By speaking out against piracy, are you afraid of becoming the filmmaking equivalent of Metallica?


Roth: I don't care about that. You know what? Metallica was right. What happened? Everyone got mad at Metallica, but now we all go to iTunes, and we spend 99 cents. Anytime you're the first to speak out against something, there's going to be a backlash. People already have the knives out for me; people are just jumping at the chance to say negative things about me, because of my outspoken nature and the subject matter of my films. People are very, very angry with me for putting that kind of violence in movies in cinemas. ... I've never been afraid to speak out about something if I believe in it. If the fans are going to get pissed, they're going to get pissed. I don't want those fans.

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source : MTV


MTV: While it's hard to track such things, "Hostel: Part II" is believed to be the most pirated movie ever, pre-release. Do you still blame such piracy for the weak opening of the film?


Roth: I don't know if it was the most downloaded film of all time, but there are tracking services that track what movies are being downloaded. And a copy of "Hostel 2" leaked out before its release and they had it, it was like millions and millions of hits. Not only was it downloaded, but in the countries it was downloaded — like Mexico and Brazil — there were copies on the street for practically a penny. You could buy "Hostel 2" for a quarter in Mexico City. As a result, in a lot of countries where the piracy was bad, they just didn't even release it.

Raciste !

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  • 1 month later...
source : MTV


MTV: While it's hard to track such things, "Hostel: Part II" is believed to be the most pirated movie ever, pre-release. Do you still blame such piracy for the weak opening of the film?


Roth: I don't know if it was the most downloaded film of all time, but there are tracking services that track what movies are being downloaded. And a copy of "Hostel 2" leaked out before its release and they had it, it was like millions and millions of hits. Not only was it downloaded, but in the countries it was downloaded — like Mexico and Brazil — there were copies on the street for practically a penny. You could buy "Hostel 2" for a quarter in Mexico City. As a result, in a lot of countries where the piracy was bad, they just didn't even release it.


MTV: Does that make you angry?


Roth: I'm furious. Here's the thing: It's real money. People say, "Oh, you can't get mad at people downloading." Well then, when are you supposed to get mad? If you don't speak out against it now, then when? You spend all this time making this product, and then people take it and steal it for free and pay nothing. And the audience that's specifically doing it is 17, 18, 19 — it's the college kids, and that's my audience. Unless you start an awareness about it, that it's not OK, then it's never going to change.


MTV: And by downloading, people are killing the very films they supposedly love.


Roth: There is no "Hostel 3"; it's not happening. I'm not saying it's the fault of piracy, but people have to be aware that it is a problem, and it does affect filmmakers.


MTV: By speaking out against piracy, are you afraid of becoming the filmmaking equivalent of Metallica?


Roth: I don't care about that. You know what? Metallica was right. What happened? Everyone got mad at Metallica, but now we all go to iTunes, and we spend 99 cents. Anytime you're the first to speak out against something, there's going to be a backlash. People already have the knives out for me; people are just jumping at the chance to say negative things about me, because of my outspoken nature and the subject matter of my films. People are very, very angry with me for putting that kind of violence in movies in cinemas. ... I've never been afraid to speak out about something if I believe in it. If the fans are going to get pissed, they're going to get pissed. I don't want those fans.


1) Peut etre que tes "ados fans" comme tu les appellent se sont sentis tellement insultés par tes deux premiers films pourris qu'ils ont préféré "voir" avant de se faire cracher a la gueule une nouvelle fois. Je n'achete jamais des clémentines sans en avoir gouté au moins une


2) ben oui t'as laché le mot... "product"...


3) Si le piratage a pu empecher un "Hostel 3" qu'il en soit béni. Et si ton envie c'était d'en faire un... OUAHHH quel créateur tu fais, petit commercial pathétique.


4) "Well then, when are you supposed to get mad?"

When a pseudo director promises you something he will never deliver. When the guy uses all the marketing tricks and make-believes in order to cash on people's need for hype. You played with that, you kicked the pandora box in the balls, you get the backlash straight into your wallet.


Au fait... Hostel 2... C'est pas largement... largement remboursé comme film, m'inquiete-je ?





Once in a while

Maybe you will feel the urge.

To break into national copyright law

By downloading mp3s

From file sharing sites

Like morphous or grogster or limewire or kazza.

But deep in your Heart.

You know the guilt would drive you mad

And the shame would leave a permanent scar

Cause you start out stealing songs

Then you’re robbing liquor stores

And selling Crack

And running over school kids with your car



So Don’t Download This Song

The record store is where you belong

Go and buy the CD like you know that you should

Oh Don’t Download This Song


Oh you don’t want to mess

With the R I Double A

They’ll sue you if you burn that Cdr.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a grandma

Or a seven year old girl

They’ll treat you like the evil Hard-bitten criminal scum you are



So Don’t Download This Song (don’t go)

Pirating music all day long

Go and buy the CD like you know that you should

Oh Don’t Download This Song


Don’t take away money

From artists just like me

How else can I afford another solid gold Hum V

And diamond studded swimming pools

These things don’t grow on trees

So all I ask is everybody Pleaseeeeee



Don’t Download This Song (Don’t do it No No)

Even Lars Urlich Know it’s wrong (You could just ask him)

Go and buy the CD like you know that you should (You Really Should)

Oh Don’t Download This Song


Don’t Download This Song (Oh please don’t you do it or you)

Might Wind up in Jail like Tommy Chong (Remember Tommy)

Go and buy the CD (Right Now) like you know that you should (Go out and Buy it)

Oh Don’t Download This Song.


Don’t Download This Song (No no no no no no)

Or you’ll burn in hell before to long (And you deserve it)

Go and buy the CD (Just buy it) like you know that you should (You should get it)

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  • 2 years later...

Beuh... me suis acheté le DVD il y a deux mois, voire trois.... et ce soir je me sentais un peu mou et donc je me suis dit, "tiens, une bonne petite cochonnerie cradingue, ça va me remettre d'aplomb".

Et là.... plouf.

Tous les souvenirs sympas que j'avais de "Hostel" se sont évaporés devant mon ennui. Je n'ai presque rien retenu de ce film hormis un caméo anecdotique d'Ewige Fenech, une apparition de Deodato qui rappelle "Dead Bones" (chapeau Eli) et un clin d'oeil à la comtesse Batory (quant à Luc Merenda.... j'ai eu du mal à me rappeler qu'il était là). Le coup du coupage de kiki c'est un truc presque commun maintenant (et pour ceux qui ont vous l'écrasement de couille de (cette merde de) "Carver", c'est pas ce genre de babiole qui va faire grimacer)... donc là mes bras m'en tombent, je suis même triste, mais heureusement que Lauren German est à croquer:


Vas-y Lauren, vas jusqu'au bout!!!

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  • 4 years later...

Beaucoup aimé à la revoyure cette séquelle, que j'avais quand même déjà apprécié à l'époque. Et la comparaison avec le premier fait plutôt mal. BR aussi bien plus satisfaisant même si la photo à base de couleurs saturées et de blancs cramés passe aujourd'hui pour un écart plastique anecdotique.


Mieux filmé, mieux photographié donc, plus inspiré, plus tendu (dès la scène du train on est pris dedans), plus drôle aussi, plus malin. Très bonne idée d'avoir amené des personnages féminins (plus intéressants que les courges du premier) dont une héroïne badass, de diversifier l'action, de se mettre aussi du côté des bourreaux. Et y'a d'excellents retournements de situation donc je ne me souvenais plus.

Et la scène avec la comtesse Bathory est un grand moment de cruauté gothique complètement hallucinant.

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