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Cloverfield - 01-18-08 - Matt Reeves (2008)

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Quand les mots me manquent et que mon sexe devient tout dur



Un projet très secret. Le titre n'est même pas arrêté.

On sait juste que New York est attaqué par un (des ?) monstre et que l'action est vue du point de vue d'un petit groupe de gens.


Rien de plus ne semble filtrer sur cette nouvelle production de JJ Abrams. Les rumeurs vont donc bon train. De Godzilla en passant par Cthuhlu et même DBZ , toutes les spéculations fusent. Seule petite info distillée dans la BA (mais qui sait si ça a de l'importance...), un des New Yorkais s'enfuyant à la fin crie "I saw it, it's alive, it's huge !"











hop, bureau repeint au sperme.

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Posted (edited)
JJ Abrams drops Harry a Line on all this 1-18-08 stuff!


Hey folks, Harry here... There's conspiracy theories abounding regarding JJ's little flick to juice us up for his badass STAR TREK recreation. So JJ Abrams wrote me to give us all a clue, cuz we're at square one of this mystery! But note... the game sites apparently have nothing to do with JJ. And also... he seems to be stating that you guys have yet to find all the sites he's put up... and yes, you'll have to find them. The man is laughing at you, me and all of those hiding in the shadows. SO... find em if you can... let us know here at AICN... seems we have a scavanger hunt, ain't it cool?

Dear Sir,


Thanks for your support of our little movie. I can't wait to talk to you more about it -- of course, knowing you, by the time we talk you'll know more than I will.


Regarding the online stuff you posted: yeah, we're doing some fun stuff on the web. But, obviously, if the movie doesn't kick some massive ASS, who gives a rat's about what's online? So as you can imagine, we're focusing mostly on THAT. For what it's worth, the only site of ours that people have even FOUND is the 1-18-08.com site. The others (like the Ethan Haas sites) have nothing to do with us.


Stay cool the rest of the summer -- and thanks per usual for AICN!



Edited by Guest

J'ai boucle mon sujet, parce que bon y'a plus d'ambiance ici j'avoue.


Par contre je rajoute le mot cle Cloverfield on sait jamais

J'ai boucle mon sujet, parce que bon y'a plus d'ambiance ici j'avoue.


ah bah merci ça fait plaisir moi au moins je l'ai lu ton thread et j'ai meme dit quelque chose...de nul mais ça vous commençez à en avoir l'habitude...pfff les vieux ils se reveillent toujours après

JJ Abrams drops Harry a Line on all this 1-18-08 stuff!


Hey folks, Harry here... There's conspiracy theories abounding regarding JJ's little flick to juice us up for his badass STAR TREK recreation. So JJ Abrams wrote me to give us all a clue, cuz we're at square one of this mystery! But note... the game sites apparently have nothing to do with JJ. And also... he seems to be stating that you guys have yet to find all the sites he's put up... and yes, you'll have to find them. The man is laughing at you, me and all of those hiding in the shadows. SO... find em if you can... let us know here at AICN... seems we have a scavanger hunt, ain't it cool?

Dear Sir,


Thanks for your support of our little movie. I can't wait to talk to you more about it -- of course, knowing you, by the time we talk you'll know more than I will.


Regarding the online stuff you posted: yeah, we're doing some fun stuff on the web. But, obviously, if the movie doesn't kick some massive ASS, who gives a rat's about what's online? So as you can imagine, we're focusing mostly on THAT. For what it's worth, the only site of ours that people have even FOUND is the 1-18-08.com site. The others (like the Ethan Haas sites) have nothing to do with us.


Stay cool the rest of the summer -- and thanks per usual for AICN!



Oui alors ça j'ai vraiment du mal à y croire. Un New-York dévasté en fond, des vidéos entre chaque casse-tête qui rappellent fortement celles faites pour Lost dans le même esprit, et un site au design et à la conception trop soignée pour que ce soit fait par des amateurs.

Quant à Ethan Haas, ce nom apparait uniquement dans une série appelée The Class dont une des actrices joue dans le film produit par Abrams. Coincidence ? Peut-être pas...


Mais perso j'aime bien cette façon d'entretenir un certain mysticisme et univers plus ou moins cohérent autour d'un film.


Certes. Et Abrams est tout à fait capable de mentir aussi sur ce point


Si vous avez galéré sur le site de Ethan Hass, voila la soluce




Et encore un qui apparait !



Quelques pitites pensées glanées de droite et de gauche...


Note, January 18th (01/18 ) is the birthday of Robert Anton Wilson (born 1932), (who died earlier this year), and who has incorporated the Cthulhu Mythos in his own writings.


Note, in the trailer scene during the party for Rob, there is a fraternity pledge paddle hanging on the wall for the fictional fraternity AKM, (Alpha Kappa Mu). (However, there is an honor society for AKM). Anyway, Mu is the legendary lost sunken continent. (Kind of like Atlantis). Mu was identifed as Lumeria by Robert Wilson in his Illuminati Trilogy. Also, Mu has been linked at times linked to giant undersea creatures, giant robots, etc. Also, according to Lovecraft, the denizens of Mu worshipped Cthulhu amongst countless other Elder Gods.


License plate ABZ 3293 on suv hit by the libery head


ABZ = Albendazole, a chemical to treat worm infestations (aka) parasite killer


3293 = star cluster


Et un autre blog plutot interessant :





Pour finir, des photos du blog de Ken Tarallo, un SFX guy attaché au projet. Ces photos sont supposées être des photos de plateau.




user clownnation: I just saw the “cloverfield” teaser when i went and saw Transformers. All I can say Ken, is WHOA! Its amazing how that teaser hooked me and I have no idea what the movie is about, who ever put that teaser together is brilliant! There is a HUGE internet buzz about it now!


user fxdude (Ken):Yes it will be interesting.. did you see the Statue Of Liberty head fly down the street?, we shot all that at Paramounts backlot, New York Street, most people think we are shooting it with a handy cam, but NO we are using the state of the art DVD Panavision camera. Also the press is stating that it is shooting now in New York… WRONG AGAIN media people ..


user doghead76: hehe…they thought statue of liberty…that’s New York. isn’t it fun though, when you can keep on fooling people that way? I mean…that’s just another shade of movie magic, don’t you think?


user clownnation: Yes I did see the Statue of Liberty’s head. That wasnt CG? It really does look like a handy cam, GREAT EFFECTS! I usually dont like trailers these days, they give away the entire movie, but this trailer told me very little and hooked me right in!


user fxdude (Ken): Some of it was CG the rest mechanical, as the head hits the ground we yanked the cars out of the way shook the buildings, broke the glass, created sparks, anything the CG item hits we have to destroy. a lot of work.. “Godzilla meets Escape from New York”


Tain ça m'amuse trop tout ça...

Mmmmm, plus le temps passe et plus je prédis une déception formidable quand le film va sortir !


Bah, ce sera probablement un truc tourné en caméra tremblottante avec des monstres qu'on ne verra pratiquement pas et des décadrages sur des figurants qui crient "oh my god". L'équivalent long métrage de la vidéo du Big Foot.


Ahhh,.... il est fier de lui ce "bon" JJ..... Il réussit un coup de maître en matière de promo sur film à l'affiche dans plusieurs mois,... et avec,... pour la plupart, une impatience croissante....


Et contrairement aux certains détractreurs (avant l'heure),.... ce teaser TUE tout... Je confirme...


Je vais tous vous niquer !!!!


Continuons dans la joie des spéculations...


Un poster teaser vient d'apparaitre, un gars posté ça sur un board et aurait utilisé son portable pour immortaliser le moment (je pensais que les portables ne prenaient plus d'images floues de choses fixes depuis... pfiouuuu, mais bon ).


"I just wanted to let you know about something I saw at a warehouse sale called Frank & Son's here in Southern California. Basically they sell collectible stuff like cards, comics, toys, etc. It is like a mini convention hall every wed and saturday.


Anyway, I was at a large booth where they sell movie posters. One of the posters there had a snapshot of the statue of liberty overlooking the city of new york. The statue was missing it's head and at the top in large white letters it said "Monstrous". The lower right corner had in smaller white letters, 1-18-08.


Fake? I dunno but that is what I saw."



ENCORE PLUS RIGOLO ! Un gars sur le board Imbd du film arrive avec cette... hum... analyse. En plus c'est pas con du tout.


Hello. My name is David Dychko.


As we all have dissected the trailer 1-18-08 bit by bit, you'll notice there's a lot of Japan references throughout:


* The party is for Rob leaving for Japan

* Sushi

* Japanese art work and statues

* A letter written in Japanese on the refrigerator

* Even the "viral" site http://www.slusho.jp/ is Japanese with the quote "You can't drink just six".




Where am I going with this?


1. Well on the 6th of August 1945, the nuclear weapon "Little Boy" was dropped on the city of Hiroshima, Japan.


2. Romans 1:18 It says the following: God’s Wrath on Unrighteousness For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness


Note: If Man messes with nature (nuclear bomb, pollution, etc.), monsters are born.


3. This history of Slusho says that drink was discovered by Noriko Yoashida whose nickname was Little Whale. She was known throughout the town as a great scientist that did remarkable things with water but later disappeared while on the ocean. Her son picked up the business and found an ingredients in it’s near frozen-state to preserve its freshness.


Does the three things ring a bell for any of you monster fans?




They all point to the movie Godzilla (1954).




Now before you blast my post, here me out.


* Godzilla 1954 was about a dinosaur who woke from his frozen state at the bottom of the ocean from a nuclear bomb off from the coast of Japan. In the movie, a fishing boat goes missing off the coast. There was a water scientist who created the Oxygen Destroyer, a weapon that removed oxygen from water. It was used to kill Godzilla later in the movie.




* Gojira, his Japanese name, is a combination of the words Whale and Gorilla.




* Sony doesn’t own the rights to Godzilla anymore since they didn’t fulfill the contract agreement of making any movie after the 98 debacle.




* There have been talks and actual production of a CGI Godzilla movie for 2 years now. It was scheduled to be released in IMAX theaters but has faded away.




* If you google Noriko Yoshida that appears on the Slusho site, it comes up with a site: ccs.cla.kobe-u.ac.jp/GenBun/ny/ny.html


If you go to that sight, it has a painting on it that is supposedly called Beasts of the Sea or something like that.


then, if you click on the second link from the top on the left side of the page, another page opens with the years dating from 1984 down to 2004, like ACE 1984-2004.


How does this relate to Godzilla? Well the Godzilla series came out of retirement in Japan in 1984 and it ended in 2004 with Godzilla: Final Wars.




Still not convinced that Godzilla is the monster?


* Relationship between Paramount, Toho, and JJ Abrams:




Paramount (Studio making 1-18-08)

Toho Studio (Owners of Godzilla)

Mission Impossible 3 (JJ Abram's film)


Here's more connection berween the studios Paramount and Toho:






* Here's another freaky connection between Abram's and Godzilla:


Abrams wrote the screen play for the 1998 Michael Bay classic Armageddon, and if you recall the beginning of the film when the initial meteors are crashing into New York city, Eddie Griffin plays a man on a bicyle with a dog named named Little Richard. Little Richard attacks a toy Godzilla at a street vendors stand.




* Go to yahoo and put in the following: Godzilla and Paramount


What do you see when looking at the sites it list? Apple's trailer of 1-18-08




If you view the source of the page, you'll notice there's no Meta tags referencing Godzilla.




* Update 7/23/07:


Still not believing it's G-man? Take a look at what this person found:







this HAS to have been done before, but just in case it has not...


so, you do the whole WHOIS website thing with 1-18-08.com, and you get the information on it. now, i know people have been clamouring about the NYC information being a masonic lodge or something to do with George Washington or some affair like that, but what about the other address on the page? the one in alexandria, va?


i decided to check it out using google maps:




that's what you get when you center your page on the green arrow. nothing out of the ordinary, right?


but what of those two stone paths in the upper left corner of the picture? by a really happy accident, i followed those along and found this.




holy. effing. pants. a giant masonic symbol.






The G represents Godzilla. End of story.






C'est donc officiel, voici le poster teaser du film dont il ne faut pas prononcer le nom.




Mais qu'est ce que c'est que ce trou dans le ciel et ce truc bizarre dans l'eau ?

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